Gearing up for Your Shades Installation
When you opt for a custom shade installation in Castle Rock, you have your choice of custom shade colors, designs, styles, and materials. Your custom shades will be perfectly designed and manufactured to fit any size or shape of window in your home. Roller shades and cellular shades are ideal window coverings, as they are incredibly energy-efficient window treatments, and also add aesthetic and resale value to your home.
Before your window shade installation, you should find out what your window treatment company needs you to do to prepare. You might need to remove existing window coverings, blinds, shades, or shutters from your windows. You should also move furniture out of the way of the windows, take artwork off the walls, and remove any other obstacles that might compromise or delay your window treatment installation.
You should also disconnect any alarms that you have on the windows, and make sure that pets are secured in another room so that they won’t interfere with the window shade installation. You might consider washing the interior and exteriors of your windows as well, since it will be easier to do before new window coverings are installed.