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Bedroom with bed, potted plant, and window, creating a cozy atmosphere with natural light

Everybody needs a certain amount of sleep in order to be fully functional and productive throughout the day, but there are a few obstacles that might get in the way. If you’ve been having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, think about your window coverings serving Castle Rock. Are your wood blinds doing a good enough job at keeping sunlight from blaring through your windows? Are your shades and shutters still in good enough shape to maintain the atmosphere you like in your bedroom? Continue on to find out if the right bedroom window treatment could help you sleep better.


It can be difficult to get to sleep with sunlight streaming in through your window. The ultraviolet rays will light up your room and can even increase the temperature, making it too warm to sleep comfortably. If you’re tired of waking up sweating before your alarm even goes off, you might want to look into Hunter Douglas blinds. Make sure the blinds are closed when you go to sleep so that they keep sunlight from flooding your bedroom, and then open them after you wake up to let some sunshine in. It’s also simple to adjust how much light you’ll let through your window covering.


Like blinds, custom shades can be used to keep your room as cool and dark as you’d like it to be. Shades are available in many different colors, and these different hues will absorb varying amounts of light. If you don’t want your bedroom to be completely dark, you can choose a lighter color for your shades so that some of the light shines through. In this case, you might wake up with a dim glow in your room rather than harsh sunlight.


Sometimes it’s all about the angle when it comes to sunlight. Shutters can be a great choice if you want to direct your incoming sunlight towards the ground, and there are all kinds of styles and design options to choose from. You can also expect these shutters to keep helping you sleep for years with just a little bit of maintenance.

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