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Hardwood Shutters

Hunter Douglas Heritance® Shutters

High-quality hardwood gives a timeless style to any room. Utilizing dovetail construction and unique finishes, these are meant to last. Made in Phoenix, AZ.

  • Heritance® Hardwood Shutters use their 100% hardwood construction to add elegance to any room.
  • Use our free SplitTilt® upgrade to independently operate the upper and lower half of the shutter to create privacy and let natural light into your home.
  • The Hunter Douglas’ Integra™ Finish protects your shutter and makes sure it will last.
  • Truemill® dovetail construction ensures your shutters will always feel solid.
  • 2 ½”, 3 ½” or 4 ½” louver sizes.

Shutters are the best solution for specialty-shaped windows. Whether your windows are arched, angled, round, or any other shape, we can make an operable shutter to fit.

On top of that, shutters are great for doors and sliders!

Harvested from responsibly managed forests. For every purchase, Hunter Douglas will make a donation to the Arbor Day® Foundation to support its efforts to preserve trees and the rainforest.

Hunter Douglas NewStyle® Shutters

Composite Shutters

Hunter Douglas NewStyle® Shutters

With the rich look of hardwood shutters and the added durability of composite material, these are a great choice for the dry Colorado weather. Made in Cumberland, MD.

The NewStyle® composite shutter from Hunter Douglas maintains the look of a painted hardwood shutter using Hunter Douglas’ low-luster Finetech® finish while ensuring the louvers don’t warp in dry or humid climates.

Enjoy the ease that comes with a Whole House Solution™ product. The NewStyle® shutter can be installed on any window, door, or slider.

Hunter Douglas Palm Beach® Shutters

Vinyl Shutters

Hunter Douglas Palm Beach® Shutters

Crafted to stand up to heat and humidity, Palm Beach® shutters are the perfect shutter solution for bathrooms, garages, and sunrooms. Made in the USA.

Get in Touch With Value Blinds and Shutters Today!

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