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Hunter Douglas Parkland® Blinds

Wood Blinds

Hunter Douglas Parkland® Blinds

Sustainability sourced real wood blinds with 50+ color and stain options. Made in Salt Lake City, UT.

  • Tilt the slats of the blind for light control and privacy.
  • Achieve a nearly complete view of the outdoors without lifting the blind.
  • Large section of colors, textures, and slat sizes to match any home.
  • Motorized – Enjoy easy control with PowerView® Automation.
  • Push Button – Raise and lower your blind with a button using SimpleLift™.
  • Push/Pull – Raise and lower the blind just by pulling using LiteRise®.

For every purchase, Hunter Douglas will make a donation to the Arbor Day Foundation® to support its efforts to preserve trees and the rainforest.

Hunter Douglas EverWood® Blinds

Composite Blinds

Hunter Douglas EverWood® Blinds

Long-Lasting faux wood blinds perfect for harsh climates. Made in Cumberland, MD.

  • The composite material of the EverWood blind makes it perfect for harsh climates.
  • Tilt the slats to achieve light control and privacy.
  • Without lifting the blind, achieve an almost complete view of the outdoors.
  • With Performance Plus™ Protection, Hunter Douglas guarantees no fading, warping, or cracking on your blinds.
  • Wide selection of colors, textures, and valances to achieve the perfect look for any home.
  • Slat Sizes—2″ or 2 ½”.
  • Motorized – Enjoy easy control with PowerView® Automation.
  • Push Button – Raise and lower your blind with a button using SimpleLift™.
  • Push/Pull – Raise and lower the blind just by pulling using LiteRise®.

Vertical Blinds

Hunter Douglas Luminette®

Sheer Panels

Hunter Douglas Luminette®

Drapery-like sheers beautifully designed to control light and create privacy. Made in Broomfield, CO.

  • Use the rotating fabric vanes on the Luminette to control light and create privacy.
  • The sheer fabric of the Luminette creates UV protection during the day, even when the fabric vanes are open.
  • Use our wide selection of beautiful fabrics to design the perfect Luminette for your home.
  • Motorized – Recommended for this shade, enjoy the ease of PowerView® automation.
  • Wand and Cord – Use a combination of wand and chords control to move the shade and vanes.
  • Traveling Wand – Basic push and pull control.

2022 Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) Product of the Year.

The WCMA’s Annual Product Awards recognize the best of the window coverings industry’s new products—and selected Luminette sheers for its design and innovation.

Hunter Douglas Skyline®

Panel Track Blinds

Hunter Douglas Skyline®

Sleek and contemporary sliding panels with 450+ fabric and color options. Made in Bessemer, NC.

Choose from 11.5” or 17” panels and enjoy the smooth operation from an interlocking bottom rail. Skyline® vertical blinds can be operated via a push-and-pull wand or by our recommendation: PowerView® smart automation.

Hunter Douglas Cadence®

Vertical Blinds

Hunter Douglas Cadence®

Elegantly styled curved vanes serve as a durable option for vertical blinds. Made in Cumberland, MD.

Enjoy the smooth and silent operation from Hunter Douglas’ patented headrail design. Choose from 40+ materials and colors and left/right/center stacking options.

Get in Touch With Value Blinds and Shutters Today!

Schedule a Free In-Home Consultation Today