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smart automation controls

Why Smart Shades?

  • Added Convenience—easily control shades with a button press, tap on your mobile device, automatically, or even with your voice.
  • Increased Privacy—schedule shades to automatically close whenever you want.
  • Better Energy Efficiency—schedule shades to raise and lower to keep interiors warmer or cooler, depending on the season.
  • Enhanced Security—give your home a lived-in look while you’re away by scheduling shades to automatically raise and lower at set times.
  • Safer for Children—because smart shades lack lift cords, they’re a safer option than shades with exposed cords.

Get in Touch With Value Blinds and Shutters Today!

Hunter Douglas PowerView FAQs

PowerView App

  • Control your shades from your smartphone. Use the app to position your shades, or set them to an automated schedule.

PowerView Remote

  • Use your handheld or wall-mounted remote to move your shades with a press of a button.

PowerView Gateway

  • Integrate with industry leading smart home systems and control your shades from anywhere in the world.

Alkaline Battery Wand

  • Change batteries without removing your window treatment from the window.
  • Mounts on the front or rear of the headrail or inside the top or bottom rail of shutters.
  • Battery life is approximately 1 year.

Rechargeable Battery Wand

  • Environmentally friendly, UL Certified.
  • Battery life is approximately 1 year
  • Mounts on the headrail or a flat surface.
  • Recharge with either the Dual Charging Station or Single Charger.

Internal Rechargeable Battery

  • Installed inside the shade’s headrail.
  • Battery life is approximately 1 year.
  • Available only for Designer Roller, Designer Screen, Designer Banded Shades, Alustra® Architectural, and Alustra Woven Textures® Roller Shades.

16 Shade DC Power Supply

  • Ideal for larger projects.
  • One power supply can power up to 16 window treatments.

The PowerView Pebble Remote has been recognized with a 2023 iF DESIGN AWARD—one of the most prestigious design awards in the world.

After 70 years, the iF DESIGN AWARD program recognizes outstanding design. It’s owned by the non-profit iF Design Foundation, which promotes design and its social significance.

PowerView Automation (Gen 3) was named Automated Shade Product of the Year by the Smart Home Division of the Consumer Technology.

Motorization is available on every Hunter Douglas product we sell!

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